Performance event Photo Gallery: click HERE NB: you will need to register (for free) to access the photos. Low-res photos are free, high-res photos are charged.
Read the press release about the event: Word format (HERE) / PDF format (HERE)
All films connected to the event are stored on our Vimeo page: click HERE
All other photos from the day (back stage /rehearsals / reception) are stored on our Flickr page: click HERE
We are actively fundraising to support the legacy of Music Makes Me and to continue to develop, enhance, and amplify the work of the Tri-borough Music Hub for young musicians. Find out more here:
Music Makes Me - Additional T&L Song-writing Resource
(Click HERE to download 5.2 Body Percussion Activity WORD)
The purpose of this resource is to look at how song writing can be brought into every classroom/school and can be accessed by teachers and students.
We hope that by using this resource, schools will be able to co-create brand new song(s) that could represent a school anthem, class anthem, Year group anthem etc.
The primary aim of this resource is to provide a practical tool and guidance for music teachers and classroom practitioners in mainstream and SEND settings, who would like to unlock natural musical creativity of their students but might feel that they lack the confidence or practical know-how to do so.
This resource covers five song strands:
Social Story Songs
Transition Songs
Emotional Regulation songs
Topic Songs
Celebration Songs
On Tuesday 27th June 2023 we gave the world premiere of Music Makes Me at the iconic Royal Albert Hall. The Tri-borough Music Hub (TBMH), in co-production with the Royal Albert Hall, and in partnership with the Royal College of Music created this large-scale multi-school music education and performance programme which shone a light on the importance of inclusive practice and celebrating everyone for who they are.