MATRIX for Self-Reflection of my teaching and my pupils’ learning
Tri-borough Music Hub Teaching and Learning Review Process 2024-25
The TBMH’s ‘Self-Reflection Tool’ is a process is to be used for holistic music teaching and is equally applicable to classroom delivery and small group instrumental/vocal delivery. It is focused on a teaching and learning matrix which follows the Tri-borough Music Hub’s interpretation of Ofsted guidance and music education best-practice. The ultimate point of this teaching and learning review process is to ask yourself the question - ‘How can I ensure that all learners have the best possible music education learning experience when they are learning with me?’.
Download the ‘Self-Reflection Tool’ by clicking HERE.
The TBMH’s self-reflection judgements are summarised within the framework of:
1 = Highly Effective 2 = Effective 3 = Developing 4 = More Support Needed
Schools and other settings may use different terminology.
There are two formats available to use:
Self-Reflection Tool Form (online/digital)
An online self-reflection tool for practitioners. Practitioners can choose to participate in our quality of teaching process by completing the (Self-Reflection Tool) form HERE based upon the matrix. Please only fill in this particular online form if you work for the TBMH. Schools may choose to create their own form based on the Matrix for their evaluation processes.
Overview Matrix for Self-Reflection Tool (paper/print)
A paper version to be used by practitioners, schools, settings, and those involved in supporting the review process of quality provision.
The whole process is intended as a starting point for wider collaborative activities including review cycles, professional dialogue meetings, the set-up of professional development provision and in-class observation or support visits with other professionals (this may be with a line-manager, peer, tutor, or mentor) for the purpose of improving musical provision.