FREE Curriculum and Resources for every school/setting (birth - 25)
To help all schools with curating a solid music curriculum, the Music Hub, provides the following FREE and inclusive support documents and teaching resources for all schools. Click on the hyperlinks. Or download this summary document HERE.
Free Curriculum Support Documents
Music Curriculum Guidance for Schools, FULL Version:PDF/ Word This version contains all 3 separate component parts, or you can download each section separately: # Ofsted Inspection Framework and Handbook – PDF/ Word # Creating your own School/Setting Music Policy – PDF/ Word Answer the prompt questions and you will be able to present a summarised description about how music is delivered in your school # Self-Evaluation Tool for Music – PDF/ Word Answer the prompt questions and you will be able to get a clearer picture of where your schools may sit within a framework of Silver/Gold/Platinum which tallies with the Artsmark framework. # Interactive EYFS self-assessment tool – Click HERE
Writing your DfE School Music Development Plan – PDF/ Word
Singing Assembly Resource (HERE) for KS1, KS2, KS3
KS3-5 Teaching and Learning Resources o Music Production – HERE o Song writing – HERE o Hip-Hop – HERE o Teaching young people with SEND additional resources HERE
Music Makes Me: Teaching & Learning Song-writing Resource (Main page HERE) o Click HERE to downloadPDF of the resource. o The purpose of this resource is to look at how song writing can be brought into every classroom/school and can be accessed by teachers and students. By using this resource, schools will be able to co-create brand new song(s) that could represent a school anthem, class anthem, Year group anthem etc. This resource covers five song strands: Social Story Songs; Transition Songs; Emotional Regulation songs; Topic Songs; Celebration Songs.
Whole Class Instrumental Learning – Groove’n’Play o Every school can access a FREE whole class annual online licence for ONE Groove’n’Playprogramme – for school’s own delivery, plus free CPD for one teacher (worth £85). The licence gives access to GnP’s groove@school digital resources which includes animated delivery content, teachers’ e-book, session plans, and supporting documents (planning and progression, GnP in relation to National Curriculum for Music, and GnP in relation to New National Plan for Music).