Whole Class Instrumental Lessons

Latymer Upper School, King St, London, Hammersmith W6 9LR

Cost: £22.50 (£45 with 50% reduction)

19/09/2020 Saturday 11:00 45 mins

Course Info

Saturday Whole Class Instrumental Lessons (Years 1-4 / concessions only)

To apply for tuition from September 2020 - July 2021, please complete this application form: https://tbmh.wufoo.com/forms/xtp6kr60nlhw4s/ 

For further information on remissions, please follow this link: https://www.triboroughmusichub.org/tuition/remissions/ 

**Please note these classes are only for children in years 1, 2, 3 & 4 who are in receipt of Free School Meals**

We are offering new whole class instrumental lessons for children in years 1, 2, 3 & 4 who are eligible for the 50% remission. 

In the classes, pupils will: 

1. Learn to play a string or wind instrument, sing, practice and perform in a supportive small class setting (all)

2. Have a 45 minute Pbuzz class (for children in years 1 & 2) - The Pbuzz lessons aim to give pupils an introduction to the brass family of instruments and will be taught on Pbuzz instruments. The Pbuzz is a simplified brass instrument which can later be replaced with a pbone or ptrumpet. 

3. Have a 45 minute small class Fiddle Sticks & Songs lesson (for children in year 2) 

4. Have a 45 minute small class Recorders Sticks & Songs lesson (for children in years 3 & 4)